Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Slave and Citizen: concluding passage notes

97 - element of human personality
98 - remained a person
100 - moral and biological inferiority
103 - West Indies and America: slave as chattel
104 - the denial of the moral status of the slave...greatest handicap
105 - Latin America social structure...two crucial differences - 1) "easy passage" 2) post-manumission
106 - from this point of view, no slave system (!)
107 - slave/free (in US) = black/white
109 - revolution
110 - no escape: revolution
110-112 - footnote on the end of slavery as system
112-113 - post-Emancipation US
114-115 - color blind philosophy
117 - total pattern of a slave society
117 - "nothing escaped"
118 - social theory
119 - biological mobility
120 - new biological type
121 - a "point of pride" in Brazil
122 - the "mistress" (see page 4)
123-124 - sex and rape
124-125 "mulatto" and mobility
126 - French West Indies
127 - slavery "inevitably mobile"
127 - "same process" (Britain, US Civil War, Haitian Revolution"
127 - revolution and force (cultural change)

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